Mangoes are one of those superfoods that provide well rounded nutrition, prevent disease, and taste great. They can be eaten in all sorts of ways, including cubed, dried, or blended into a smoothie. Mango is great for adding a little tropical flair to your day, and it can also spice things up in the bedroom. But that’s just the start. There are lots of great reasons to eat some mango every day – let’s count them.
1. Reduced Risk of CancerMangoes are a high antioxidant food, but not to the same level as things like blueberries and acai berries. Still, researchers tested the effect of mango on certain cancers and found that it does an incredible job of suppressing cancer cells. The reason is probably the polyphenols, which are natural substances in plants that are associated with good health. Mango seems to particularly reduce the risk of colon, breast, lung, leukemia, and prostate cancers, and does not damage healthy cells near to the cancerous ones.
2. Healthier Cholesterol LevelsMangoes contain high levels of vitamin C, fiber, and pectin, which together can reduce serum cholesterol levels. Mangoes also contain a lot of potassium, which is a critical part of the potassium-sodium balance that regulates the way our bodies use water. And, of course, mangoes contain a lot of water, too. That means that regular consumption can help prevent dehydration, which is one driver of high cholesterol.
When facing dehydration, the body increases its cholesterol production to keep cell membranes moist and pliable, which is necessary for tissues to be able to efficiently exchange nutrients for waste. When you’re dehydrated, the volume and the flow-rate of your blood is also reduced, which can lead to greater accumulation of cholesterol in your arteries.
3. Alkalized Bodily EnvironmentWe know that cancer cells prefer acidic environments, so anything you can do to tip the body’s pH toward alkalinity can help lower your chances of developing the deadly disease. Mango contains tartaric acid, malic acid, and traces of citric acid, all of which help maintain alkalinity. It seems counterintuitive, but these acids all become alkaline during the digestive process.
It is worthwhile to note, however, that eating alkalizing foods only adjusts the pH of your urine, not your blood, and so it may be most protective against bladder cancer specifically. Also, cancer cells can grow in any environment, despite their preference. File this one under “it couldn’t hurt”.
4. Healthier DigestionMango is full of prebiotic dietary fiber. Prebiotics are non-digestible foods that support the growth of beneficial bacteria. The good bacteria help ward off disease; prebiotics are, in essence, food for the probiotics in your system, not for you directly. Eating a lot of mango can keep the environment in your gut healthy.
Mangoes also contain vitamins and minerals that help to break down protein during digestion. The fiber keeps you feeling full and satiated for longer, helping to stave off unhealthy food cravings. The combination of craving control and efficient digestion may ultimately help you lose weight more easily.
5. Better Insulin RegulationYou don’t need to stick to just the fruit of the mango tree – the leaves are good for you, too. In fact, drinking a tea of boiled mango leaves is thought to help regulate insulin levels. Simply boil 5-6 leaves in water for a few minutes, then let it steep overnight. In the morning, remove the leaves and drink the tea.
The extract improves insulin production and distribution of glucose, thereby stabilizing blood sugar levels in diabetics. This makes it a great beverage to drink before eating.
6. Spicier Sex LifeMangoes are a little bit exotic and very sweet, so they’re kind of romantic in that way. But they also contain a bunch of vitamin E, which not only supports skin health, it also regulates sex hormones and increases sex drive.
For men, vitamin E may also help to increase sperm count and enhance the sperm’s swimming ability. If you’re trying to get pregnant or simply planning a romantic meal, don’t forget the mango!
7. Protection from Heat StrokeMango has an incredible ability to cool the body and can be a godsend if it feels like heat stroke is coming on. It helps because to avoid heat stroke, you need to maintain the fluid level in your body. The potassium content in mango balances out the sodium compound and works toward fluid-level regulation.
Mango is also known to control homocystiene levels in the blood, which can be harmful to blood vessels and may up your risk of heat stroke. Blend up some mango and a tablespoon of honey with cold water and drink. You’ll feel better in no time flat.
8. Strengthened ImmunityMango is a powerhouse of nutrition, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and no less than 25 different carotenoid antioxidants. That’s a combo that supports the health of your immune system. These important vitamins work together to neutralize free radicals and prevent cellular damage that can otherwise initiate various diseases.
Eating mango every day makes you less likely to catch every little bug that’s going around, and to beat anything you do catch a bit faster.
9. Increased Concentration and MemoryA focused and centered mind makes all the difference in how you get through your day. Mango has something called glutamic acid, which is an alpha-amino acid associated with brain support. More specifically, glutamic acid functions as a neurotransmitter vital for many brain processes.
Eating a bit of mango before bed can help you wake with a refreshed mind, and eating mango during the day can boost concentration in both children and adults.
10. Lower Anemia RiskAnemia is a condition in which the body suffers a low red blood cell count and impaired ability of the blood to carry oxygen due to a deficiency of iron. It can cause fatigue, headaches, and dizziness, among other symptoms. Mango is high in iron and can be a great dietary addition for people with anemia, especially vegetarians who don’t partake in the most common source of iron, red meat. Anemia seems to disproportionately affect women, especially those who are pregnant or post-menopausal. Mangoes are an especially good way to get your iron, as iron supplements don’t contain fiber and tend to cause constipation.
As if all that wasn’t enough to eat more mango, know that you can also apply it topically for clearer, healthier skin. There’s even an urban legend that mango skin can cure hangovers, but we can’t speak to that specifically. In any case, a month-long trial of daily mango consumption is sure to leave you feeling healthier and more mentally acute. Don’t worry about getting bored – there are so many different ways to eat mango and about 400 varieties grown worldwide. Mango more than earns its nickname, the King of Fruit.